[KLUG Members] Standard Regular Expressions (REs)

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 15:52:54 -0500 (EST)

>>My advice if you want to validate e-mail addresses from various clients is to
>>whip up a little XML-RPC server in perl (real easy!) and export the
>>functionality of Email::Valid.
>Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that some implimentations of 
>Perl XML-RPC servers are very slow.

I wouldn't call Perl fast.  Use the LDAP support once - very effective for 
beard growth.

Alot of perl module seem to do a terrible amount of memcpyss, mallocs, 
etc... like they are making copy upon copy's of strings or something.  
I haven't look at the perl code, just aimed debugging tools at running 
programs a few times.

On the otherhand the Frontier::RPC2 (? I think, off the top of my head) 
module has worked for us.  It doesn't light any fires, but isn't too bad, 
and not nearly as bad as the worthless LDAP support.