[KLUG Members] Lindows/"I Hate Linux" rant....

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 13 Oct 2003 13:51:28 -0400

> "Because I don't live on caffiene, I don't play Quake, I don't read
> Slashdot, and I hate Linux."
> I live on caffiene, play Quake, read slashdot occasionally, and I like linux
> (notice like not love).
> Isn't IE built from Mozilla?

Nope, there is no Moz code in IE.  

But there does seem to be alot of people who have web browsing problems
on Linux.  I have to go back a long ways to remember the last web-site
that didn't work in Galeon/GNOME for me;  but I realize that I must be
some really lucky shmuck, or I'm doing something different than everyone
else and not realizing what it is.

> His windows crashes when he has 8 programs running?  Lucky him, I've see it
> crash with 1 program running, heck I've seen i crash while just sitting
> there doing nothing.

Me too,  but I've also seen M$ happily running more than 8 applications
at the same time.  It has alot to do with the particular applications,
the where-with-all of the Admin, and the hardware.  If the box doesn't
say "IBM" on it I just don't expect it to run any OS for more than a
week before wackiness ensues.

> At least the linux screen dump is more useful to me
> than that blue screen of death.

Trying to think the last time I saw the Linux Black Screen Of Death. 
And I don't seen a blue screen on XP very often. 

> "stupid little abbreviated commands"
> Uh ok... `cd newtopic`


> "I've been studying computers and computer technology for a while."
> Where at?
> My .02

I'll raise you 0.02!