[KLUG Members] VACM questions.

Adam Bultman members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:54:02 -0500 (EST)

Morning, everybody.  

Have any of you ever used VACM? ( va cluster manager, 
http://freshmeat.net/projects/vaclustermanager/ )

I've got a handful of systems that are allegedly set up to use them. They 
are daisy chained together as needed.  (I don't have access to the rack, 
it's a ways away, so I can't make sure with my own eyes, but I'm told from 
two sources taht they have verified it)

I can start up vash on the primary server, using nexxus localhost, root, 

[adam@simon adam]$ vash -c localhost -u root
Password: ********

If I try to list my modules, I see that va1000 is listed: 

vash$ nexxus_modules localhost

Short Name -> VA1000
Long Name  -> VA 1000 Module
Author     -> Jerry Katzung (katzung@valinux.com)
Desc.      -> Module to support VA Linux 1000 clusters.
Version    -> 1.1
IPC Tag    -> VA1000
State      -> STATE_RUNNING

So, so far, I shoudl have systems chained together, and the necessary 
module loaded and running to use the va1000 module, right?

Furthermore, I'm told by someone else that he's had it running before, and 
has used it. OK... Let's try a command:

vash$ ipc localhost va1000:identify:copper

In fact, I get module not available for *everything*.  Well, except for 
NODE_NOT_FOUND errors...

So, am I insane, or is there something else at play here? I'm going nuts;  
I've had the need to use it a few times, and it's allegedly there, and 
yet... Nothing.

Any help would be neato; I've RTFMed, SFW, and many other acronyms 
involving the letter F, but to no avail.


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