Robert G. Brown members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 16:26:43 -0500

On Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:01:01 -0500, Peter Buxton <somercet@core.com> wrote:

>On Tue, Oct 28, 2003 at 09:57:06AM -0500, Adam Williams was only escaped
>   alone to tell thee:
>> Come see Andrew Thompson defend his uber-geek championship;  will Peter
>> Buxton's team go down in flames again this year?
I don't recall OUR team being somehow ceded to Mr. Buxton. If he wished to
sharein the tax liabilities and fees, we can certainly work something out!:)

>How does "almost winning" count as going down in flames? You're just
>still upset that I knew which Elf met Strider, Frodo et al. near the
>Anduin ford!
You know, there's ONLY winning... anything else is "going down in flames",
unless you were never "up" (opting for "lovable underdog" is a good idea in
these situations.

							---> RGB <---

PS: Considering entry as "A Team of One", but willing to form a
    "Virtual Machine" with at least one other...