[KLUG Members] Mozilla and Firefox

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 08:58:44 -0500

> It's annoying that their most prominently placed link for Firefox points
> to the inferior if safer version. Rather than post the links to the
> binaries themselves on the home page, Mozilla should link to their
> download directories.

<RANT>It seems many projects treat binary releases as ugly bastard children.  I
know I only tried this because someone just posted a link to a binary RPM; and
I don't consider myself a novice or afraid of "tar
xzvf...;./configure;make;make install"</RANT>

> Of course, since Linux users are still most likely to bang on it until
> it does work, and since they can't use IE natively, Mozilla is not
> likely to lose many users. But still:
> 1. Firefox/GTK 1.2 was a 9+MB download over dial-up,

Huh... over a T1 the binary package had finished downloading before the Red
Carpet 'install external package' dialog box had finished painting its widgets.
 rub... rub.. rub...

> 2. It increases general frustration.

Yep.  I agree completely.