[KLUG Members] Feedback on possible IT student help

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Fri Jul 2 06:25:17 EDT 2004

> > 2. Timing... I don't know just when to approach the schools you've named, 
> >    so try now! Don't be disappointed if it takes 'em a couple of months to
> >    get something going. It may be fall before you actually get an intern, 
> >    even if you call tomorrow.
> One suggestion: get your hands on their course catalogues and see what
> they list for internship courses. Some degree programs include an
> internship among their prerequisites. If you see one that looks close to
> what you need, the school would probably be delighted to help you get
> connected.

Also look at what courses they include in a specific track, it varies,
and many of them are shockingly narrow.  Experience with multiple
platforms, even if it doesn't include yours, is always a huge plus;  it
seems to greatly facilitate a real understanding of what is going on

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