[KLUG Members] LPI Training

John Bridleman john at bridleman.org
Wed Jul 28 14:46:01 EDT 2004

A few days ago KLUG was approached by a representative of Grand Rapids Community College. GRCC is currently putting together training for the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) certification (http://www.lpi.org/).
As it was explained to us, GRCC would be offering training (4 hour sessions twice a week for 4 weeks = 32 hours) so the upon completion you would be ready to take the LPI. The training would cost approximately $1100 per person. If I understand it correctly, the LPI testing is done in 2 parts and cost $100 for each part to take the test.
He also offered to tailor the training for us so that we might possibly complete it in less than the 32 hours and thus at a reduced rate. Of course that rate would have to be determined at that time but it would be less than the $1100.
Bottom line they are very eager to work with us. They would be willing to do the training in Grand Rapids or in Kalamazoo. All we need to do is fill about 6 seats.
As we discussed this last night at our regular meeting it was brought up that we might possibly be able to do the training ourselves. This is certainly an option that we can pursue. It would, of course, depend on a certain level of volunteer support to pull something like this off. We can discuss that when, and if, the time comes.
So, as I see it, we have 3 options.
1. Pursue the training through GRCC.
2. Do the training ourselves.
3. Do nothing.
If your in the Kalamazoo / Grand Rapids / West Michigan area and are interested in LPI training, please reply and let me know if your interested in either option 1 or 2 or if you have any other questions. 

I know that there are many on this list that are not from this area. For those people I'm sorry that we can't help you. For this particular event I'm only interested in hearing from people that can directly participate. - Thanks.
John Bridleman / www.bridleman.org
chair at kalamazoolinux.org

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