[KLUG Members] Re: 2.6.6 trouble with DHCP

somercet at core.com somercet at core.com
Fri Jun 4 18:41:25 EDT 2004

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 12:34:21PM -0400, rick was only escaped
   alone to tell thee:

> So I tried adding CONFIG_FILTER=y but then I get an error that I am
> trying to use an invalid symbol when I make the kernel again. I see
> people getting this error on older versions of the kernel, but none
> with 2.6. I am assuming the the CONFIG_FILTER is no longer an option,
> but when then should I be using? 

> # Networking options
> #

Use lsmod(8) to ensure that module af_packet is loaded! CONFIG_PACKET is
necessary for apps, such as ping and tcpdump, that handcraft packets.
dhcpd may well be one of those apps.

CONFIG_FILTER has either been dropped or is built into CONFIG_PACKET
with 2.6.x. Lose it from .config.

Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it
would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic. -- L. Carroll

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