[KLUG Members] Waaaaa it's different and I want my old redhat behavior back

Bruce Smith bruce at armintl.com
Sat Jun 5 21:58:05 EDT 2004

> 1) Control r reverse i lookup.  If I press the page down button I don't
> get back to a fresh bash prompt.  I was soooooo used to being able to do
> this.  I find myself still trying at least 20 times per day.  Slow
> learner.

# That as got to be a standard bash option.  Read the bash man page.

# Personally I use "vi" editing mode in bash, and it works fine.

set -o vi

# turn on vi editing mode
ESC k  # ESC key followed by "k"

# Now you can use most vi commands.  Movement commands cycle through 
# history, "/" to search history, editing commands (r s x ...) all work
# in history just like the vi editor.

# and best of all it works in other shells, like HPUX's posix shell.

> 2) where did my color go when using ls and how can I put the guy in jail
> who took my color away.  (Oh, That's me)

# Works for me (nothing changed by me, in gnome-terminal.  
# Check your aliases, mine for ls is:

alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS'

LS_OPTIONS='-N --color=tty -T 0'

> 3) 'which' does not tell me what alias I am executing.  If I set an
> alias and then execute which myalias I get no output whatsoever.  Who
> took my which and how can he be punished. (Damn, That's me again)

Same here.  :-(

> 1)  default color behavior after vi determines what file type I am
> opening is gone.  Open a c file and black and white text.  Ugggg.  Open
> a perl file and black and white text.  Double ugggg.  How is an addicted
> color user supposed to handle this?  I picked the wrong week to stop
> sniffing glue.

:syntax enable

" see other email.

> 2)  backspace not working.  What????  How can any vi implementation
> remove the functionality of backspace.  I am sooooo confused here.  My
> eyes must be deceiving me.  Well, tried again and it sure does not
> work.  Just keeps a beepin' at me.  Whyyyyyy??? Waaaaa!!!

# Seems to work for me, in gnome-terminal.   


# BTW,  /etc/profile.local   is a good place to put global aliases
# and to set environment variables in SuSE.

 - BS

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