[KLUG Members] Hmmmm... Mailman screwup...?

Bruce Smith bruce at armintl.com
Mon Jun 7 08:11:55 EDT 2004

> When I reply to these mails, I get To: lines like:
>    To: "Pros &amp; cons of different software" <advocacy at kalamazoolinux.org>
> And RGB's message isn't the only one. 

And it doesn't do it every time.  Replying to this message is fine.

> Is this the desired behavior?

No idea. 
Luckily it doesn't hurt anything (the reply-to address is correct).

> Bruce, you did write that you updated the production listserver, didn't
> you?

Yes, we're running a new version of Mailman now.  It has more options
for subscribers, so people may want to check out their options.

As far as the behavior, I don't know if it's a bug or a feature.  But
I'm not going to worry too much about it since everything works fine.

 - BS

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