[KLUG Members] help with cyrus imap ...

Bruce Smith bruce at armintl.com
Mon Jun 21 13:24:40 EDT 2004

> Note that SIEVE is not a turing machine,  there are deliberately lots of
> things it can't do.

If I have a large list of email addresses in a text file I want to
"white list", there is no way I could have sieve read a file?  And I'd
have to create hardcoded rules for these?

And there is no way for sieve to call an external program (C/bash/...)
and test the return code or have it pass parameters to sieve?

I'm tempted to have sendmail use procmail for it's delivery, and have
procmailrc deliver it's result to cyrus-imap via a pipe ...  but I
suppose that's a bad idea?  Any reasons besides the extra overhead?

 - BS

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