[KLUG Members] database programming question

Michael Lueck mlueck at lueckdatasystems.com
Tue Jun 22 07:35:53 EDT 2004

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 04:17:17 -0700 (PDT), Rusty Yonkers wrote:

>I think it is relevant.  I wonder if there is a way to like use
>curses or something for textbased development?

Of course! Long live text!

I do most of my programming in Object Rexx. This is a free download from IBM
for the Linux platform. Mark Hessling develops a library called RexxSQL which
supports many SQL server products. As well, he develops a Curses library for

You can drop into C++ and get to databases and Curses as well.

Since you have Paradox background (Paradox Rocks!) then you might like the
Borland look-and-feel to live on thus picking up Kylix.

Many options. A lot depends on what language(s) you can be productive in...
C/C++ for example requires so many lines of code to do a given task, I forget
what I was trying to get done in the first place... thus I am most productive
in the level of Object PAL / Object Rexx type languages.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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