[KLUG Members] slow initial program access

Phillip Hofmeister plhofmei at antiochcomputerconsulting.com
Wed Jun 23 17:00:48 EDT 2004

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 at 09:47:02AM -0400, Rusty Yonkers wrote:
> > 
> > How is NSS responding?  (How long does '$ id bob' take to return a
> > result?). 
> Not understanding the $ id bob thing.  Is that something that I do at
> the commandline?  Not heard of NSS before.

NSS = Name Service Switch.  /etc/nsswitch.conf controls how your system
gathers/validates information about a variety of things including:

User Database (Numeric User ID, Username, home directory, etc)
Authentication Database (/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow)

If you implemented and LDAP Authentication system you would enter the
value "ldap" into your nsswitch.conf for passwd and shadow rather than
the default which is assumed to be "file" unless something else is
explicitly defined.

> Is the hosts file suppose to be listed in the resolv.conf file?  I
> have all my books at home and I have been doing a lot of Winbloz
> lately and the mind is a little bit rusty....

The resolv.conf file controls who your name servers are (mine is on my desktop since I run BIND 9) and what the search domains
ought to be (if I enter just "www" as a host name, what domains should I
search for "www" in?).

Commonly used hostnames (such as localhost and the name of your system)
should be defined in /etc/hosts file to avoid uneeded and costly DNS

> dmesg says that it is using a 33MHz speed.  Would I want to use 66 or
> do I need to investigate exactly what I have?  How would I look that
> up? (sometimes I feel like such a newbie) Is that the number that
> might be like 100 or 133?  Where would I set that parameter?

Does it say anything about using DMA?  If it says you are using DMA then
it is already using the fastest speed that it can.

Phillip Hofmeister

wget -O - http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/key.asc | gpg --import

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