[KLUG Members] kernel

Michael W. Holdeman lists at ptfd.org
Fri Jun 25 10:55:48 EDT 2004

For me the steps are.

1. extract the new kernel source inot /usr/src
2. reset the /usr/src/linux symlink to the new source
3. cd /usr/src/linux
4. make menuconfig 
5. select the needed-desired kernel options and modules to be built
6. make
7. make modules_install
8. cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/kernel-<your new kernel>
9. cp System.map /boot/System.map
10. edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to include the new kernel
*11. emerge nvidia-kernel nvidia-glx
*12. emerge ndiswrapper

be certian you have everything you need for the new kernel, for instance for 
Gentoo you must have the shm and /proc filesystem, you shouyld have /dev and 
have it mounted at boot time... but many of these are distro specific. 

*distro specific and hardware specific, just here for an example.

I hope this helps, definately chesk out the howtos at kernel.org and your 
distro site.

Michael W. Holdeman

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