[KLUG Members] simple pop access setup

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Mon Nov 15 21:03:04 EST 2004

> I am now running into a couple of problems
> 1) I wanted to install spamassassin. I created a Spam folder in each 
> users Maildir folder to put suspect messages. I am having a hard time 
> figuring out how it fits together though. It seems I need to add some 
> information to my maildrop since postfix sends messages to maildrop. I 
> am not sure how this fits and what I need to get maildrop to check 
> postfix and then finish it out sending the message to the users Maildir. 
> Anyone have a nice howto or link?

My only advice regarding such packages (Spam Assasin and it's horde) is
"don't bother".

> 2) I am looking at implementing a groupware package. I am looking at 
> opengroupware right now, but I am not sure. I need to be able to sync 
> with MS PDAs 

Nothing will, trust me.

There is the start of SyncML support for OGo, but it needs developers,
funding, etc...

Horde has some support for SyncML, but you have to be willing to run
really beta stuff, and I don't think it qualifies as 'real' groupware.
Horde is really nice, but in the end it still just a bunch of PHP

Some possibility you might be able to hack something together via

> (and it seems opengroupware only syncs with Palm) 


> also not sure if I need openldap for managing opengroupware 

You don't *need* OpenLDAP to run OpenGroupware.  You use LDAP
authentication if you already have a DSA and/or want to provide
information to the myriad of LDAP clients.

> appropriately. I am trying to do this is baby steps and I would already 
> need to figure out postgres in order to get it running. How important is 
> ldap and can I get opengroupware to auth the same as imap?

No, OpenGroupware can authenticate against LDAP or its internal
PostgreSQL database;  it won't auth against IMAP (which is really a
brutal hack anyway, and only makes sense for really mail-centric
applications like webmail).

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