[KLUG Members] off topic question but something you all might know about

Rusty Yonkers therustycook at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 29 17:58:43 EST 2004

Hey, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with 3com 
routers?  Escpecially the 3000 family of routers.  I am putting in a 
VoIP system and the Cisco routers that I have will not support QoS to 
prioitize the VoIP packets.  It will cost me like $1500 to upgrade the 
routers to the right amount of memory and the proper IOS to handle it.  
I can get three brand new 3000 series routers for about the same price 
and then sell the Cisco gear on eBay and save some money in the long 
run.  I have just never used the 3Com stuff though and was wanting some 
real world stories. 

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