[KLUG Members] GJ: Did we mention FREE PIZZA and PRIZES

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Wed Oct 20 07:22:05 EDT 2004

Have we failed to mention that Geek Jeopardy features FREE PIZZA and
PRIZES?   Well, if we did, IT DOES!!!

Thats right FREE (as in GPL'd source code) PIZZA!  And, of course, an
appropriate assortment of beverages.

And PRIZES!  Yep, more free stuff!

Each member of winning Geek Jeopardy team will receive a "2004 Geek
Jeopardy Champion" T-Shirt in the size of their choosing!  Certain to
inspire awe and respect from your friends and coworkers.

And there's more...

The individual player to correctly answer the most questions* will
receive a $35 dollar Barnes & Noble gift certificate!  (If a tie occurs
it will be resolved via sudden-death-acronym-expansion).

*By count, not point value,  so answering a 2 point question is just as
good as answering a 512 point question.  Count will NOT be reduced by
incorrect answers.

And don't forget the FREE PIZZA!

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