[KLUG Members] GEEK JEOPARDY Topic Reminder

Adam Tauno WIlliams adam at morrison-ind.com
Wed Oct 20 08:37:17 EDT 2004

Just in case you misplaced you list of Geek Jeopardy topics, here it is
again, to help you strategically build that champion team
Single Jeopardy:

Super Hackers - Answers to questions about legendary hackers, their
projects and their lives.

Samba - Everyone's favorite server package.

Protocol / Port - See your /etc/services file.  We'll name a service and
the question must contain the most common IP protocol name and port

Mozilla - Anything to do with the Mozilla project.

Image Types -  Image formats from JPEG to TGIF.

Truly Wacky - Wild, bizarre and shocking claims, who (or what) said

Speed II - Every year Geek Jeopardy must contain at least one Sanda
Bullock reference.  Remember that movie with a certain actress where a
transit bus had to maintain a certain speed?  In this category we will
name a bus (USB, PCI, ISA, etc...) and the answer will be it's
theoretical throughput (emphasis on the theoretical - we all know that
"in the lab" means "you'll never see anything close to this").

Beer - Answers to questions about the beverage lauded by Open Sourcers
everywhere, but according to a recent survey almost no KLUGers drink.

Geek Cinema -  Movies geeks love, or love to hate, or that star Sandra
Bullock.  Unfortunately Slashdot rarely does movie reviews anymore, 
that is how we used to determine what constituted a geek movie (besides
the Sandra Bullock Factor).  If it got reviewed on Slashdot it was a
'geek' movie.  Now we are just guessing.

Collaberation - Answers and definitions concerning collaberative
technology: groupware, instant messaging, etc...

Double Jeopardy:

XML - The technology that is still revolutionizing IT.

Longhorn -  Answers to questions about that someday-to-be-released OS
that will bring world peace, be so cool even Sandra Bullock will use it,
and prove that Bill Gates really is just a nice guy who happens to burns
100 dollar bills as incense during his daily prayers to Azazel.

Legacy - Remember MVS?  How about CP/M?  Maybe even TurboDOS!  If so,
this category is yours to run away with while eveyone who actually had a
life waits for you to finish.

LDAP - An annual staple of Geek Jeopardy.  Everything to do with the
ultimate network service,  the one that takes the entire network down
when you screw it up.

Geek Slang - Another annual staple.  All answers this year come from
version 4.4.7 of the official Jargon file.

Open Office - The best office suite ever, and that doesn't cost $499.99.

Acronyms - Expand that acronym!  We all know that computers were
actually invented as an excuse to make more acronyms.

VOIP - The greatest technology to ever have the most numerous lousy
implementations.  Anything to do with chopping up your voice and
stuffing it into tiny little packages is fair game here.

OSPF - Everything to do with the care, feeding, and operation of the
most pervase intranet routing protocol.

CUPS - Everything to do with the care, feeding, and operation of the
ultimate print service.

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