[KLUG Members] text2pdf WAS :no subject

Miles Pschigoda miles.j.pschigoda at wmich.edu
Tue Sep 21 11:17:31 EDT 2004

Quoting Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org>:
> PDFs will contain non-printables, that is normal.  PDFs can contain
both encoded and compresses data.

I figured, but, for completeness.

> Try something really straight forward like:
> ls -l | a2ps -q -o- | ps2pdf - ls.pdf
> If that fails your installation is broken.  
> Recompiling won't help a broken configuration, which is almost certainly
> what "/invalidfont in --show--" means.  Ghostscript configuration is
> strictly for level 12 warlocks and higher,  and even they approach it
> with trepidation.  I'd suggest looking around for some packages that are

Ok, so I am to the point where I assume it is broken.  I can fake a
working RPM system an level 12 I am not, so my thoughts are:  Find a
known good conf and try to mod it to fit my system [probably not].  Or
grab some RPMs and try to kludge them together to work with my system.
 Anyone know where I can pick up some good PRMs?

> <aside>Honestly, this whole download and compile everything is really
<cut aside>
> other way.</aside>
As for the aside, yeah, I know it's crazy, but I like the base system
as gentoo sees it and I like the package management system.  I could
probably write a whole article on it that would be better suited to
the advocacy list, none of which having to do with speed.  I'll grant,
it takes a lot longer to install then an rpm, but before gentoo, I was
just dl/compiling from source anyway and gentoo takes care of the

-- MilesP

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