[KLUG Members] re: Learn how to quote...

Robert G. Brown bob at whizdomsoft.com
Sat Sep 25 23:20:36 EDT 2004

It is clear to me that there were really two schools of thought here... and 
there was a divide based largely on seniority. Those of us who came to e-mail 
before the 90's are largely "bottom" posters"... habitual users of marks 
(usually ">") along the left margin, and so on. Those of us who came in later 
on (from such tools as CC:Mail, the Netscape e-mail client, Outlook, etc.) are
perhaps more used to "top posting".

Both have their purposes, in my view, and lead to somewhat different uses of
the medium. It is good to have some written guidelines about this, but for some
conversations, it is more a matter of taste than anything else, IMO.

Nothing is going to be settled, as this is to some extent a cultural issue. 
perhaps we can at least agree that:

1. Both systems have their uses.
2. Mixing the two in one thread is VERY misleading.

Finally I would claim that everyone actually does care, but don't want to
rehash it endlessly. I'd agree there are more interesting things to discuss.

I've top-posted here on purpose, even though I am more commonly an "in-line
reply" type; I've been using e-mail since -- well, before SMTP...

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 15:11:56 -0400, Mike Williams wrote:
>Uhm, we went over this ad nauseum a few months ago and resolved 
>nothing.  About four people insist it should be one way, and about four 
>people insist the other.  The rest of us, frankly, don't care in the 
>least.  Quotes are indented, so it's not too hard to figure out who said 
>what regardless of where the text shows up.

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