[KLUG Members] Exciting Ohio LinuxFest News

William R. Lorenz wrl at express.org
Mon Sep 27 16:49:21 EDT 2004

Hi All,

Just thought I'd forward this exciting news for anyone who's interested!

(And yes, it's a free-as-in-beer event. :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 23:14:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: William R. Lorenz <wrl at express.org>
To: support at clevelandlug.net
Subject: Exciting Ohio LinuxFest News

Hey All,

Now that we have working lists :), I'd like to take a moment to tell
everyone about some very exciting developments with the Ohio LinuxFest!

We've secured sponsorship for our event, and we've since moved it to the
Hyatt Regency Columbus in downtown Columbus, Ohio.  The Hyatt can hold a
lot of people, and this will help to make sure we have room for everyone
who wants to attend -- we've had a tremendous response in registrations.

We've also newly confirmed in attendance for the event Jon "maddog" Hall
of Linux International, Scott Collins of the Mozilla Foundation and
Trolltech (creators of Qt, used in the making of KDE and otherwise), and
Jeremy Cole of MySQL, who many of you have already had a chance to meet.  

Rumor has it that we will be raffling off a unique clock signed by Linus
Torvalds, but you'll have to wait for more information w/ specifics. ;)

This is all in addition to the many great speakers we have lined up,
including representation from Red Hat, Novell (think SUSE), the Samba
Team, Apache Software Foundation, and many other great organizations.

It should be an exciting event this year, and I hope you guys don't miss
out on the fun.  Registration is still open online at the website:


If you have any specific questions, let me know, and I'll be glad to get
them answered for you.  I hope to see many of you at the event this year!

--          _ 
__ __ ___ _| | William R. Lorenz <wrl at express.org> 
\ V  V / '_| | http://www.ohiolinux.org/ ; Free conference and event hosting 
 \./\./|_| |_| Linux and OSS-related topics. October 2, 2004 - Columbus, OH. 

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