[KLUG Members] DNS, BIND and LDAP? [DNS]

Andrew Thompson tempes at ameritech.net
Wed Aug 3 21:33:10 EDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 05:39, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> > Okay, so I got LDAP running, managing logins, and now I was hoping to
> > have it handle DNS as well. I've noticed a few projects to support this,
> > in various stages of development, but nothing that really looks ready.
> > Has anyone here set up a network DNS on LDAP, and if so, how?
> If you have a recent SuSe your bind may already have LDAP support -
> littleboy:~ # rpm -q bind bind-9.3.0-2.1
> littleboy:~ # ldd /usr/sbin/named
>         libldap-2.2.so.7 => /usr/lib/libldap-2.2.so.7 (0x401af000)
>         liblber-2.2.so.7 => /usr/lib/liblber-2.2.so.7 (0x401e1000)
> So you just need to create bind zones in named.conf that look like -
> zone "mormail.com" IN {
>         type master;
>         database "ldap
> ldap://,ou=bindSDB,ou=SubSystems,o=Morrison%20Industries,c=US 172800";
>         allow-update { none; };
> };
> - and load the required objects into the Dit at the specified location -

So, there isn't a tool to do this? It took some finding, but I saw where
YaST can create LDAP-based user and group records. I mean, I CAN create
the LDIF file manually, I guess, I but I sort of hoped someone had come
up with a tool to simplify this by now.

Oh, well.
Andrew Thompson <tempes at ameritech.net>
The Imagerie

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