[KLUG Members] Re: CMS Systems

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Thu Aug 4 06:42:26 EDT 2005

> I found it curious no one mentioned Mambo.
> I thought that was the premiere CMS?

I've only ever heard of it in passing.

> Has Mambo been surpassed?  Was it never good to begin with?  Is it 
> garbage?  Maybe it doesn't fit the requirements?

The problem with Mambo, and many of these packages, is that it is very
difficult to tell if it meets the requirements - between all the CMSs
I've looked at I can confidently say that I haven't seen a category of
software with WORSE website.  Besides Drupal all the websites are
labyrinthine and littered with dead links, and the packages themselves
offer little or no structured documentation.

Mambo only offers external authentication as a "hack" - it oddly refers
to many of its own features as "hacks".  Maybe this is like Debian
referring to their current release as "unstable" (when it isn't
necessarily) but it doesn't inspire confidence (and time is too
precious, a package needs to 'inspire' me in order to make it onto the
hard drive).  It isn't even made clear if Mambo supports PHP5.
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