[KLUG Members] Purging Mail In Firefox

Mike Williams knightperson at zuzax.com
Mon Feb 14 20:03:13 EST 2005

> Subject:
> -------  Random quote of the day
> Captain!  I've just had an apostrophe!
> I think you mean an epiphany.
> Lightning just struck my brain.
> Well that must have hurt.
> -Bob Hoskins, Dustin Hoffman:  Hook
> ----
> From:
> Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org>
> Date:
> Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:16:24 -0500
>>> So do the same in the Trash folder or right click on
>>> the Trash folder and Empty it.
>Yes.  But the orignal question - "Is there a keystroke in Firefox (like
>Evo's Ctrl-E) to purge a mailbox of deleted messages."
>Emphasis on "keystroke".
>For users processing a high volume of messages having to use the mouse
>isn't an acceptable answer; taking their hands of the keyboard makes
>them very grumpy.
Maybe you should issue them DOS boxes?

>These users also don't use "Trash",  deleted messages stay in the INBOX
>marked as deleted (lined-out in most mail clients, including TB) until
>purged.  They've got very good reasons for doing it this way and they
>wouldn't change even if they didn't.
I can think of a couple of possibilities.  Depending on the server side 
package, you might be able to have a cron job that purges deleted 
messages every so often.  I know the horde webmail package will suggest 
that every month, so it's got to possible to automate that.  Also, 
Mozilla/Firefox/Thunderbird has a pretty impressive extension language.  
I wouldn't be surprised if somebody has written an extension that does 
that, or if a decent coder could write one pretty easily.

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