[KLUG Members] Linking Tomcat To Apache via mod_jk

Adam Tauno Williams adam at morrison-ind.com
Fri Jul 1 10:26:16 EDT 2005

> I have an Apache2 server that also runs Jakarta Tomcat 5.  The Tomcat
> instance is used to deploy Open Reports and Davenport.
> But when I try to modify the entries to point /openreports or /reports
> at my Tomcat application all I get is an index of files, like Apache is
> accessing the directory itself and not using the connector.
> By entries look like -
> Alias /openreports "/srv/www/tomcat/base/webapps/openreports"
> <Directory "/srv/www/tomcat/base/webapps/openreports">
>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>     allow from all
>  </Directory>
> JkMount /openreports/*.jsp ajp13
> <Location "/openreports/WEB-INF/">
>     AllowOverride None
>     deny from all
> </Location>

I figured it out.  I dump everything but -
JkMount /openreports/*.jsp ajp13
- and it works.  Seems odd that the examples require Alias clauses and
apparently most real applications don't,  but whatever.

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