[KLUG Members] elapsed time calculation

Jamie McCarthy jamie at mccarthy.vg
Tue Mar 29 11:57:58 EST 2005

econophil at charter.net (Eric Beversluis) writes:

> I'm trying to set up a timesheet in an OO spreadsheet. I enter
> starting time in c1 and ending time in c2 (formated at time of
> day). When I enter the formula  =c2-c1 I don't get elapsed time
> but a different time of the day.  I don't find any formula in the
> OO help that gives elapsed time in hours and minutes. How would
> one do this?

Not sure if this is what you need, but I see =c2-c1 (where c2 and c1
are both formatted with the Time format code "HH:MM:SS", if it
matters) as returning a fractional value of the number of days
difference.  I have to format the formula's cell into the Number
category, of course.  Then =(c2-c1)*86400 gives me the number of
seconds between the two times, =(c2-c1)*24 the number of hours, etc.
  Jamie McCarthy
  jamie at mccarthy.vg

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