[KLUG Members] MySQL and Date Fields

Jamie McCarthy jamie at mccarthy.vg
Sat May 21 11:56:20 EDT 2005

mlueck at lueckdatasystems.com (Michael Lueck) writes:

> Thanks for checking it out Jamie.

http://bugs.mysql.com/ is really easy to use, and the company's
workflow revolves around it.  Everything except security issues goes
on the public tracker, and there are strict rules about how long a
developer can hold a bug without doing anything about it.  If you're
thinking about migrating to a particular version of some of MySQL's
software, a good trick is to subscribe to the RSS feed for all its
bug reports.  Read that for a week or two and you get a good feel for
how buggy it is, and how active its development is.  Sadly it sounds
like ODBC is one of the less-active projects.
  Jamie McCarthy
  jamie at mccarthy.vg

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