[KLUG Members] SquidGuard vs DansGuardian

Jeremy Leonard lists at elite4god.com
Thu May 26 15:17:58 EDT 2005

Darrel Clute wrote:

>On Wednesday 25 May 2005 19:47, Komal wrote:
>>In my experience, SquidGuard runs very stable in my environment
>>(around 2 years) and "integrated" to Squid, but it seems no more
>>development. I never use DanGuardian that claim better than
>I have had limited experience with both products so I can't really 
>give a good review.  I will state that from that small experience I 
>have found DansGuardian to provide an overall better level of 
>filtering than SquidGuard, out of the box anyway.  Again I do have 
>limited experience with these products so probably will not be the 
>best proponent in your decision.
I have used both for quite a while. SquidGuard is good for catagorized 
sites. Dan's Guardian does actual content filtering. I get many more 
false positives with DG and I do with SG. Also you can use DMOZ 
catagories with SG which are more complete that the SG lists.

Hope this helps.

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