[KLUG Members] External Program Settings in OpenOffice

Green Proc greenproc at charter.net
Wed Sep 7 04:29:38 EDT 2005

>>Have you tried typing the full path to firefox, as opposed to just 
>>'firefox' ?  In other words try '/usr/bin/firefox' or whatever is 
>>appropriate for your system.
> That seemed to do it. 
> Turns out firefox is at \home\ericb\firefox-installer\firefox.
> Which presumably is not in my PATH environment variable. Maybe OO would
> have found it if it had been in a reasonable place?

<grin> -- Now I see the folly of my suggestion.  Of course /usr/bin 
would be in your path.  You must have ran the installer and chosen your 
own path instead of using a package from your distro.

I'm glad you've got it solved.

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