[KLUG Members] Squid and ntlm_auth

Komal agencies_ad1 at sancharnet.in
Wed Sep 7 23:48:34 EDT 2005

> ACLs evaluate to a boolean value (true or false).  placing multiple acls
> an http_access clause causes the ACLs to be evaluated and then an AND
> operation
> is performed.
> http_access allow rule1 rule2 rule3
> - for instance, all rules must evaluate to true for the access to be
>  From the examples in the documentation...
> (2) To restrict access to work hours (9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday) from IP
> 192.168.2/24
> acl ip_acl src
> acl time_acl time M T W H F 9:00-17:00
> http_access allow ip_acl time_acl
> http_access deny all
> Just substitute your user matching rule in there.
> --

Perfectly clear and succinct. Exactly I don't know which rule I should use
to achieve that.

Thank you


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