[KLUG Members] Duping a DVD

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Thu Jan 5 22:23:39 EST 2006

> adam, you flippin' amaze me. i always enjoy reading your posts. i learn so much.
> anyway, i'm not familiar at all with duping a dvd from the command line. i am interesting in making 
> a 1:1 copy of an encrypted dvd. how do i do this exactly from a command line?

First you read the *DEVICE* into a file;  you don't mount it as you
don't want to read the *FILES*, you want to read the *FILESYSTEM*,
starting from block 0 straight to the end.  You need enough free disk
space to do this this, and a double layer DVD can be up to 8Gb.

You can do it via "dd"...
dd if=/dev/hdc of=BigJoeDVD.iso bs=512
... will read the disk in /dev/hdc in 512 byte chunks and write them to
the file BigJoeDVD.iso;  it will sit-n-spin till it is done,  no status
or notices it is working other than your flashing drive light.

Technically, doing it via "dd" is not kosher (although it has always
worked for me).  The proper way is to use "readcd",  which looks much
the same -

readcd dev=/dev/hdc f=BigJoeDVD.iso

readcd will tell you what is going on as it progresses if you add the
"-v" option,  you can add more "v"s to make it even chattier, like -

readcd -vvvv dev=/dev/hdc f=BigJoeDVD.iso

Then you turn around and blast that file/image onto media -

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdc=BigJoeDVD.iso 

- which will sputter along until it is done.  Then you should have an
exact duplicate of the original disk.

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