[KLUG Members] KLUG Website Project

Caleb Delnay caleb at calebd.net
Mon Jul 28 21:53:19 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

As some of you may know, I was discussing with Seth and Mark on 
volunteering to take over the redesign / redevelopment of the KLUG website.

I apologize for missing the previous week's meeting, but I'll make up 
for it by providing a link to a pseudo technical breakdown of the 
current site and how it can be adapted to Drupal:
http://personal.calebd.net/klug/klug_website.odt (Open Office.org 2.4 
Document, uses Bitstream Vera Sans font)

If anyone has time to glance through the document before tomorrow's 
meeting, please feel free to do so and write back. I am interested in 
discussing the project in more detail tomorrow if there is time.


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