[KLUG Members] PHP document writer

Jason Edward Durrett jed at shackman.com
Sat Mar 22 21:21:17 EST 2008

Hi Bill, thanks for your response.
> Are you asking
> PHP - > HTML -> Something else* -> Calc
> or 
> PHP* -> Calc
> The asterisk indicates where the change would occur.
I'll lay out the situation a little bit better.

I wrote a php app to produce an accounts receivable report in a web
browser.  I want to put a button on that report that saves it as an
ods.  I don't want to put all the possible sorting and filtering into
php because that seems like a never ending process . . . ie sort by over
ninety, sort by over ninety by state, sort by over sixty where all
accounts are in zip code xxxxx, etc. 

I found a php class to do this but I still need to program it a bit. 

For general info, doing a select all in a browser, copy, and then paste
into calc achieves the same thing just with more steps.

I'll post my results (if any).



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