[KLUG Advocacy] Apple using Intel chips ...

Bruce Smith bruce at armintl.com
Sun Jun 12 19:55:05 EDT 2005

> Here is an Apptel summary I'm almost in complete agreement with:
> http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2005-06-10-017-26-OP-HW-SW

I made the case that Linux will not be hurt if OS-X runs on a variety of
existing x86 PC's which exist today.  He makes the case that Linux won't
be hurt if OS-X only runs on Mactel-only machines.  Looks like we're
covered in either case!  :-)

I normally try to avoid predicting the future, but I'm going to go out
on a limb here ...   I predict that if OS-X only runs on Only Mactel
hardware (only hardware sold my Apple), then Linux will run on that same
hardware shortly after it's available.  (OK, that's right up there with
predicting the sun will come up tomorrow)  ;-)

That being the case, I REALLY hope that the Mactel hardware is
competitively priced compared to Wintel hardware.  That'll make my
future PC purchases a no-brainer.

 - BS

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