[KLUG Members] Evolution 1.0 is here!

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
04 Dec 2001 14:28:13 -0500

>>>Evolution has possibilities as an email client, if it only
>>>came with a working spell checker!
>>>Any experience with the "unstable" gnome-spell module?
>>You'd figure there would be a simple tie-in to the ispell program.  Most
>>other programs just do that.
>According to the Evolution FAQ:
>Q.: Some word processors and other email clients have the ability to
>    automatically spell check words as I type them. Can Evolution do
>    this?
>A.: Yes. The Evolution composer is able to highlight mis-spelled word on
>    the fly as you type them, and also give you suggestions for possible
>    corrections. In order for this to work you need the gnome-spell
>    component, which is not shipped with Ximian GNOME yet.
>    If you are brave enough, you can check out module gnome-spell from the
>    GNOME CVS and compile it yourself. Check out its README file for a list
>    of gnome-spell's requirements for compilation.
>    Note that you don't need to recompile Evolution after installing
>    gnome-spell; it will be picked up automatically.
>Being too lazy to download CVS and fight with compiling gnome-spell,
>I went out searching for RPM's.  At rpmfind.net, I found a Mandrake
>one:  gnome-spell-0.4-2mdk.i586.rpm  which I installed under Redhat 
>7.2 with the "--nodeps" option.  Restarted Evolution, and it seems 
>to work!!! [knock wood]

I have "gnome-spell-0.4-ximian.1" installed on my system,  and it must
have been there for along time as evolution has always checked my
spelling.  I think it must have come from the "Evolution Snapshot"
channel of Red Carpet.  I never consciously installed it.

>It's a simple interface to aspell, but that's all I really need.
>Maybe this Evolution thing will be usable after all!   :-)
>>>Someday I'll find a decent email client that is all of these:
>>>3)  Secure-IMAP support (w/folders).  ("secure" eliminates many)

"Use SSL" is an option under Tools/Mail Settings/Receieving Mail

>>Does Evolution?  In the worst case, SSH!
>Yes!  The first connect it gave me some crap about my mail server's
>certificate not being valid (it IS valid and signed by Thawte), so
>I told it to accept anyway, and it's worked without complaining 
>ever since! 
>>>4)  Has a spell checker.  (eliminates Mozilla)
>> Again, that ispell thingie seems none-to-difficult to wrap around.
>I really wish Mozilla would get with it.  I check every release
>for a spell checker, and nothing so far . . .   :-(
>>>5)  Fast.  (eliminates Netscape 6.2)
>>So much for switching to Netscape 6.2 for me (currently using 4.78). 
>It's even sluggish on a 1.4G Athlon!
>It is nicer, if you can get used to it's snail-ware speed.
>>>6)  Is NOT bloated by being bundled with a browser (Netscape).
>>Yeah, I hear you.
>>>Is that really asking too much???   :-(
>>Yep, way too much.  ;-PPP
>Apparently!   :-)