[KLUG Members] OpenNMS anyone?

Adam Tauno Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 10:19:24 -0400 (EDT)

I've used (and use) several Open Source monitoring tools (BB, MRTG, scotty,
etc..) and while they work they don't exactly rock ones world.  It always takes
two or three tools to fill all needs,  the interfaces (especially in the case of
scotty) are outright clunky,  and they can be quite tempermental (No!  I will
not monitor THAT SNMP value of THAT router, it has cooties).

So I was whining on the almost defunct gxsnmp list and someone sent me the URL
http://www.opennms.org.  It has a lynx based installed just like Ximian so I
started it and left for a meeting.  I returned to an immense 30+Mb application
with more tabs, buttons, drop downs, and views then even an IBM guy could dream
up.  So my hopes are up slightly, but moderated by past experience.

Before I leap into this monster's arms I'm curious if anyone has danced with her

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