[KLUG Members] Fonts and GNOME VFS [Was: Re: Nautilus in RH 7.3 and Samba shares...revisited... -- Miguel is good and bad ...]

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
06 Dec 2002 05:00:07 -0500

Footnotes is carrying an announcement of a very cool use of GNOME VFS -
Font management.  This looks like a big improvement.
The first part is a gnome-vfs module that implements a "fonts:" 
directory.  If you point nautilus at this folder, you will get a list of
the fonts on your system that fontconfig knows about.  By dragging font 
files to "fonts:", you can install them for use (the font file will be 
written to ~/.fonts, which is in fontconfig's default font path).

To make browsing fonts nicer, a thumbnailer is included for use with 
Nautilus 2.1.  When turned on, you will see a preview of the font as the
icon in Nautilus.  See the README for information on how to enable this 

The last program is a simple font viewer that is installed as the 
default application for Type1, TrueType and PCF font files.  This 
program will display text rendered at various sizes in the font, along 
with some information about the font.

Fontilus requires gtk+, gnome-vfs, fontconfig and Xft2 to build.  You 
will also want Nautilus installed in order to use it.