[KLUG Members] Re: [KLUG Hardware] Speak of the devil (Linksys Router Vunerabilities) ...

Peter Buxton members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 14:08:47 -0500

On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 11:43:15AM -0500, Bruce Smith wrote:

> > For those of you that have them ...
> >   http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,746598,00.asp
> Yes, even people who have "hardware" firewalls need to keep 
> them up to date and flash the new firmware when it comes out.

That reminds me to ask a friend if he's done this recently. We were
running the cable modem through my Linux box when I moved out, so he got
one of these and I spent an hour explaining all the little acronyms to
him. I hope he has, as I've forgotten how we did it last. :-)

(He runs all sorts of file-sharing software, so is always needing to
punch holes in the firewall and close others. He got the hang of it
pretty quick.)

The biggest problem, aside from keeping it up to date, is the Web
interface. Once, he inadvertantly set the DHCP client limit to 3. We
thought the '3' value on the screen was the number of clients connected,
not the total clients allowed, for about 15 minutes before I clued in.
Now, is that worse than my average typo? Probably not.

The only other hang was when he changed the settings when he went from a
cable modem to DSL.  After he power-cycled the router per my
instructions, the new conf 'took.'

for gpg key: http://killdevil.org/~peter