[KLUG Members] Login time

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
10 Jun 2002 11:56:58 -0400

>It appears to me that the users have one minute to accomplish both.  That if a user is
>logging in and the passwd must be changed and the passwd program comes up the time period
>is from when they connect to the server until they have logged in AND changed the passwd
>successfully.  I just want to change the time from 60 seconds to 120 or 180 seconds.
>I am just not familiar wheather this would be a login setting or a telnet setting or where
>this setting would be??  Neither man page tells me when I search for "time".  That does
>not mean it's not there, just that I could not find it.  It is not a huge deal, just
>something I was looking for and frustrated that I could not figure out.

How about setting TIMEOUT in /etc/login.defs? On some systems it is

>>>My users are changing their passwords today.  The password that is changing
>>>is an ldap password.  They have 1 minute (60sec approx) from the time they
>>>connect to the server to login correctly and change the password.  Is it
>>>possible to give them a little more time to do so?  Those users are having
>>>problems picking acceptable passwords.  I
>>>checked the man page for telnet.d and for login and have not succeeded in
>>>finding a way to change this yet.
>>I'm missing how telnet.d is related to password changing.  Do you mean "time it
>>takes to login" or "how long they can sit at the password prompt before it self