[KLUG Members] Working Together to get Linux in schools

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:30:23 -0400 (EDT)

Anyone interested in this topic is encouraged to join KLUG's "inschool"
list an reply there.    http://kalamazoolinux.org/listserv/listserv.php3 

>Greetings all:
>I've been on the lists for awhile, but haven't said much except for the
>occasional question. However, the latest “Linux in Schools” thread
>couldn't have come at a better time. Let me explain:
>I work at WMU. This year I'm working in the Building Bridges project.
>Its focus is bringing technology to non-profits and the community. My
>specific role in the program is to build, coordinate and direct
>technology assistance centers (TAC) to help non-profits analyze, design,
>implement, and maintain technology solutions. In other words, we make
>sure the tech works like it should so the non-profits can do their jobs
>While I won't force non-profits to go with Linux as their OS, I am
>making sure that they see how much they can do with Linux and Open
>Source. (I don't think it will be a problem once they see the cost
>benefit and the support they'll get.) The TACs would provide the
>implementation of machines and networks as well as serve as a Help Desk
>to member organizations. I also am creating a development shop on campus
>where students will act as consultants and programmers building systems
>and applications. I'm pushing for most of this to be Open Source as
>In any case, I think that both the Kalamazoo and Comstock schools would
>be great places to try some of this out. Not only are they close by so
>WMU students can really get involved, they are also high profile. Plus,
>I can recruit high school students who want to do networking,
>programming, etc. 
>Anyhow, those are just some preliminary thoughts. I think KLUG members
>would be a great resource for this initiative.