[KLUG Members] list serv

Bruce Smith members@kalamazoolinux.org
24 Jun 2002 17:16:13 -0400

> >I was wondering what is the list serv of choice for the gurus on this
> >list?  I am currently using Sendmail for my mta on a red hat 7.3 box.
> > I was thinking about majordomo but am not sure yet....
> Majordomo is overkill for lots of stuff. I prefer to use SMARTLIST for
> most of these applications, unless they are very big. Another good one
> is what KLUG uses now, called MAILMAN. KLUG converted to mailman for
> some features, but SMARTLIST is certainly capable of handling the load.

Mailman is *REALLY* *NICE*.  MUCH better than anything else I've seen.
(IMO, Smartlist sucks - we used to run it on the KLUG server).

I've heard that Majordomo is a real pain to administer, but I've never
tried it personally.

Mailman also comes as an RPM on stock Redhat 7.3, and is under active
development.  I'm not sure the development status of Smartlist, but I
know it's been off-again/on-again, so IF it's NOT under active
development, and a security hole is found, then who's going to fix it?

Redhat recently released an update to Mailman to fix a security hole, so
make sure you have the latest if you install from RPM.  Or you can get
the source and other pre-compiled binaries at:  http://www.list.org/

Bruce Smith                bruce@armintl.com
System Administrator / Network Administrator
Armstrong International, Inc.
Three Rivers, Michigan  49093  USA