[KLUG Members] Postfix relay_domain question

members@kalamazoolinux.org members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 04 Mar 2002 16:41:47 -0500

>>>Management has request that I forward company email to a semi-retired
>>>employee's home email account at Yahoo.
>>I assume you're running sendmail. 
>I think he is using "Postfix"
OK, I'm waiting for him to say so. 

>Unfortunately I've never used this.
Perhaps so... I haven't, either. I imagine that other mail servers have
comparible facilities. The point is (regardless of server), that you
don't hafta open up relaying and all that implies (hordes of spammers
bouncing stuff through YOUR server) to do what's needed here.

>>You can provide redirection by modifying
>>one file (and opening yourself up to nothing else -- make no other changes)
>>called /etc/mail/virtusertable. Lines of that file look like:
>>targetuser@my.domain	destuser@that.domain
>>and thenever a message for targetuser@my.domain is received, sendmail will
>>forward it to destuser@that.domain. Change the file for your addresses, 
>>restart sendmail (or send it a signal to reload its files), and you're 
>No makemap?! Does it automatically rebuild the hash table now (would be 
>nice)?  I haven't used sendmail flat files in awhile,  so I'm curious.

Yeah, looks like it! It does all that stuff for ya now... just look at 
the sendmail.cf file...

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