[KLUG Members] Postfix relay_domain question

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
04 Mar 2002 17:25:33 -0500

>>>>Management has request that I forward company email to a semi-retired
>>>>employee's home email account at Yahoo.
>>>I assume you're running sendmail. 
>>I think he is using "Postfix"
>OK, I'm waiting for him to say so. 
>>Unfortunately I've never used this.
>Perhaps so... I haven't, either. I imagine that other mail servers have
>comparible facilities. The point is (regardless of server), that you
>don't hafta open up relaying and all that implies (hordes of spammers
>bouncing stuff through YOUR server) to do what's needed here.
>>>You can provide redirection by modifying
>>>one file (and opening yourself up to nothing else -- make no other changes)
>>>called /etc/mail/virtusertable. Lines of that file look like:
>>>targetuser@my.domain	destuser@that.domain

According to the website Postfix supports /etc/aliases,  you can forward
mail using an alias.

>>>and thenever a message for targetuser@my.domain is received, sendmail will
>>>forward it to destuser@that.domain. Change the file for your addresses, 
>>>restart sendmail (or send it a signal to reload its files), and you're 
>>No makemap?! Does it automatically rebuild the hash table now (would be 
>>nice)?  I haven't used sendmail flat files in awhile,  so I'm curious.
>Yeah, looks like it! It does all that stuff for ya now... just look at 
>the sendmail.cf file...
