[KLUG Members] FTP Server Problems/Questions

LAKE, MITCHELL-CONS K [Non-Pharmacia/0230] members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:00:06 -0600

I have been tasked with setting up a FTP site on a RH7.1 box and haven't had
much luck getting it to do much so far. The service seems to be running, I
can't ftp to local host, which leads me to believe it's maybe a permissions
problem. I'm using wu-ftp and have fiddled with the kde interface for the
permissions, but haven't had any luck. Is there any sort of standard generic
permission setup for users to be able to use ftp? Or perhaps there is a
better chunk of software I could use to simplify this whole ftp process.

Thanks for you input -- Mitch Lake (WKSSUP Pharmacia)