[KLUG Members] Fwd: FC: City of Battle Creek wants to imprison an anti-spam activist

Adam Williams6 members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 11:47:54 -0500 (EST)

>This isn't really Linux-related, but the town just down the road
>from us has hit the international spotlight.  The Battle Creek
>city government was running a buggy, closed-source mail server which
>has the unfortunate habit of crashing when fed perfectly normal data
>(not a good habit for a server designed to accept connections from
>When an anti-spammer connected to their servers to test them, a
>crash resulted, and the Battle Creek city government decided it
>would be good to file charges against the anti-spammer, who then
>promptly ceased operations.

Yet another great thing for West Michigan to be famous for!

So what if my perfectly normal message that I send with the intent of 
actually sending mail, happens, in some way, to crash someones mail 
server?  Am I a criminal?

Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS