[KLUG Members] Re: Galeon & Plug-ins

Adam Williams6 members@kalamazoolinux.org
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 08:59:06 -0500 (EST)

>>I have the PDF plugin working wonderfully in Galeon/Mozilla.
>>But I can't find a way to list the plugins that the systems thinks it
>>found.  In netscape plugs show up in the preferences bound to mime
>>types.  In Galeon settings plugins don't show up.
>Er, Plugins != MIME Handlers.
>   Help -> About Plugins

Gotcha.  about:plugins recommended by John works fine.  What do you know?  
I don't think I've ever even looked in the help menu.  I chalk these 
things ups as useless by default and have apparently develeped an
unconsious deletion of anyhwere "Help" appears on the screen.  Guess it
was wrong this tims.
>That's the list you should use under _both_ Netscape _and_
>Mozilla/Galeon.  Just because Netscape "lists" it under MIME types does
>_not_ mean it works.  ;->

I'm no sure what you mean by this.

>>I have rpnp.so (which is provided by the Realplayer 8.0-1 RPM) but the
>>system doesn't act like it picks it up.  But then I can't tell if the
>>browser is not finding it or if the remote site is just being finicky.
>Did you copy the plugin (or symlink it) to the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
>directory?  Also be sure you don't have _multiple_
>/usr/lib/mozilla-*VER* directories.

Yes,  it shows up in plugins:about under Galeon as installed and handling 
the extension "rpm".  The bugger may be that the site uses the extension 
"ram".  The MIME type is also a audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin in 
about:plugins while the site (I think, from poking about) is stating that 
it is "audio/x-pn-realaudio".  Can/does this make a difference?  I don't 

If one just sets realplayer up as an external handler it works fine for 
some sites,  others continue to grouse that one doesn't have the plugin.

All seems a little harder than it should be.  Just send the stinkin' 
stream-o-crap, and if I don't have the correct handler I see poop.  That 
would be easier to deal with than some browser/site tring to protect my 
pure eyes from the site of poop.

Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS