[KLUG Members] Re: RedHat 7.3 Available - on CD from KLUG!

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
07 May 2002 05:17:56 -0400

>>Isn't that basically what the channels on red-carpet are?
>Yes.  But it's still not exactly a "general application" archive.  But
>you're probably onto something there.  Maybe Ximian or a Ximian partner
>might do this in the future?

They have been steadily adding channels; star office, opera, etc.... I
eagerly await the Open Office channel.

There has been discussion of a rawhide channel,  but they add channels
based upon what paying customers ask for, and so far they have said
interest has been rather low.  They have added Ximian untested for
current/more GNOME related packages.