[KLUG Members] Petereley on XML "Technology" and Hair Care ...

Adam Williams members@kalamazoolinux.org
Mon, 13 May 2002 14:22:52 -0400 (EDT)

>Damn if Petereley doesn't see things just like I do:

Other than the fact that his definition of XML -

"XML isn't a technology. XML is a text-based syntax to describe 
hierarchical data. In plain English, XML wraps text labels around data the 
way you'd wrap hair around a chopstick."

is ridiculously simple and glosses over lots of important points (like 
DTDs which plus those silly text tags can make the data self-expressive to 
application that know nothing about its source).

This is rather like saying 'Gravity makes things fall'.

Ximian GNOME, Evolution, LTSP, and RedHat Linux + LVM & XFS