[KLUG Members] note on charter cable isp connections

Rusty Yonkers members@kalamazoolinux.org
Wed, 29 May 2002 14:45:51 -0700 (PDT)

> While I can't say we will never put up filters, I seriously don't
> see it
> happening.  The only times I can see reasons for disabling an
> account are
> for the usual - non payment, open relay SMTP, spamming, 31337
> h4x0riNg, etc.

Most organizations block ports and services because they seriously
overbook their lines and they are trying everything they can to
reduce the usage of the system by the users.  They figure that if
they block a service like web then they will get rid of a potentially
high volume service on the line.  Not a nice thing to do but that is
the reality of things...

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