[KLUG Members] note on charter cable isp connections

Kevin Mitchell members@kalamazoolinux.org
Thu, 30 May 2002 10:01:32 -0400 (EDT)

> By days you mean 9am - 5pm?


> >calling from the KLUG.  :)
> Ah,  a way to wave the "No, I am not a drooling idiot flag", I like it.
> The earthlink techs never believe me that ATM actually doesn't stand for
> "Automated Tellar Machine" within the context of a DSL mode.  Or
> possible the acronym "ATM" is just a couple of characters too long for
> them and causes a buffer overflow.

So they probably don't know PEBCAK either ;)

> ><Jeez...I better go wash up now...I feel like a marketing person>
> Use the gelled industrial bleech, it cleans up the marketroid pheremones
> more effectively than the consumer grade stuff.

It worked like a charm. :)